Thursday, January 17, 2008

Temptation #3

The foe I fight is unearthly strong
(He is coming)
He is the darkest of dark nights
In all he does he fights for wrong
He's a beam of anti light

The 'prince of evil' he's called in hell
(He approaches)
He has two hands of horrid death
Blackened bones of wretched smell
Hands with power to cease breath

The cloak he wears is oft called sin
(He is near)
His eyes shine with blinding darkness
They shine nothing but hate within
The eyes light detests

The door is locked in the same old room
(He enters now)
Because temptation needs not a key
I only think impending doom
Can I ever have victory?

But now time stops, I remember the Light
(He does not move)
It has no being but lives inside
It will trump the darkness tonight
It will the battle decide

Now I pray and the Light begins to emit
(Temptation steps)
The room is filled not a shadow cast
But temptation Light will permit
My battle is not yet past

I must fight and win for Light this victory
(He now attacks)
I stand my ground and raise my shield
A blast of lust, defense becomes debris
My broken arm Light heals

I turn to face by deadly foe once more
(He shoots again)
Pride splits my helmet in two
Despite my will, I stumble to the floor
Light my strength renews

I stand again with valid righteous hate
(He laughs)
And plunge my sword right through his heart
His terrifying anger builds, his eyes are now irate
My body he tears apart

I call the name of my redeeming conqueror
(He trembles)
And a light so bright overpowering came
That true blackness felt pain and horror
Temptation writhed in pain

The light so bright i cannot see stands guard
(He flees)
He puts me together and all my wounds he heals
He cures each and every death-black scar
Through Him my victory's sealed

I thank my Lord and I open the door
(He's gone)
Outside the air is fresh and clean
I dance in the wind, breathe deep once more
For I feel alive in His light, so alive
His light that is living in me.

-Ben Ankenmann

Temptation #2

Temptation number two
I can feel you in the room
I feel the darkness surrounding you
And I fear impending doom.

I know I could give up
And not even try to fight
But I also know a tougher man
Would not forget the light.

I know this wont be easy
You'll try to lock the door
But now I know He can release me
And lift me off the floor.

The pressure of your darkness
Forces the only door to close
A feeling of hopelessness
Seeps through my skin and clothes

And even though I know your name
And know the light could win
I don't want to show my shame
To this glowing light within

So I fight on without the light
After the door is locked
And in the dark of evil night
Temptation watches the clock

You knows that it's only time
Between now and when I fall
Without my light the clock will chime
And on my knees I'll crawl.

Without a light I'll try to fight
From my knees I'll grab the door
But the door is already bolted tight
All hope is gone, I'm on the floor.

And Temptation smiles in glee
Another battle won
Another wretched victory
He calls me names like "faithless one".

Now in my shame and hurt I lie
Still hiding from forgiveness
My guilt beside me piled high
From light I want to hide this.

I hate myself, I hate my guilt
But I know that that is wrong
This temptation that I have built
Is now extremely strong.

Around the corner is number three
And I know I'm in his sights
So I'll unlock the door and hide the key
And release the power of light.

And next time when temptation comes
He'll be knocked right off his feet
And the power of God's only Son
Will fight and rescue me.

-Ben Ankenmann

What Are You Listening For?

In the middle of a dark and creepy night
You only hear creaking floorboards
And the haunted wind in the moonlight
The voices of your friends sound muffled
And daze your mind in fright
Your mind plays tricks so late at night
You only hear what you're listening for

And in the morning when you wake
And run down to the kitchen
You forget the frightful sounds you heard of late
You never hear the creaking floor
The cold-fingered wind has escaped
The sun awakes as you eat banana pancakes
For you hear what you're listening for

So take a seat and listen
You know not what you're missing
The sun has set, the stars are out
You probably forget that life never shouts
But in whispers will relate the secrets it creates
And you will hear what you are listening for

If you forget to listen
There is much of life you're missing
If all you do is talk, and never hear
Alone you will walk, with Him so near
For He only talks in whispers, so listen to whispers
And you will hear what you are listening for

But if you know to listen
Then you know Him and are forgiven
You know powerful winds and splitting rocks
You know shaking earth and raging fires
But God is not in those, He is in whispers
And you have heard what you are listening for

-Ben Ankenmann


so. I'm sitting on a couch thinking about time,
contemplating the mystery of the beauty of time.
cause it's always time to study, when I want to write,
time to write when nothing could be more right
than to play with friends and siblings of mine.

time is always faster when you're having fun.
funny isn't it, that in love, time can run.
not only this, but time, sometimes, just races by;
it can't be bought, or caught, it has wings, it will fly
whenever you smile, or cuddle with your loved one.

although it can't be caught, it can be saved!
for daylight only, not night, but morning it saves
for some seasons in some towns, some time gets moved
(from time to time) to morning - from night shooed.
but not in the west, there time the same stays.

now if I had a watch, that could tell time to halt,
it'd be worth more than money but death would be my fault.
but those moments of love that you wish would always last,
those seconds that you remember but now are past,
well, they'd never end. and history would be appalled.

as the sun goes down (and i get reminded just how busy i am)
one thing I'd like you to think: about the time that is flyin',
just think about life, and love, and all you live for
and remember to live for only all that you adore,
cause time cannot stop, despite the time we spend crying.

-Ben Ankenmann

The Dirt Path

The trees are green and
The grass is brown with
Puddles everywhere when
The rain does come down

The road is of dirt
The path of my life
In front and behind
Are both love and strife

And as i walk forward
And new days begin
The seasons are changing
I'm changing within

Sometimes I walk and
I look to the sky
But I know all along
God's right by my side

He holds up the light
So that I can see
When darkness and evil
Are tempting me

At times I'll look back
But if I look for too long
I'll have to stop walking
Then where will I have gone?

So I keep pressing forward
No matter what comes
I have a destination
My Saviour's kingdom

Sometimes I look forward
But if look up all the time
I'll trip over my feet
Land in mud and grime

So I'll look where I'm going
And Not where I've been
And not over the horizon
And not at my sin

I've given that to Jesus
Who's walking at my side
He'll carry the burdens
That I've been holding inside

And when I leave the path
He'll follow with the light
And tap me on the shoulder
And tell me it's not right

Sometimes I will thank Him
And get back on the path
Sometimes I'll leave Him
To carry me back

Cause every time I'm wrong
When I walk off that trail
Even when I'm running
I'm human, I'm frail

Sometimes we cross bridges
With water far below
I might feel like jumping
But Christ will say "No"

Sometimes the path is rocky
So I can't look up at all
I have to deal with the problem
Before I get back to my goal

But Jehovah's right beside me
Whispering in my ear
That the road will get better
That I wont always be here

Sometimes I get to a wall
I feel like turning around
But my King will lend a hand
And lift me off the ground

He'll place me on the path
On the other side
I'll thank my deliverer
For conquering my pride

Many stories I could tell
Of this road on which I walk
But still you'd have some questions
So why don't we just talk?

He'll help me with the answers
And tell me what to say
And you just keep on asking
I'll pray you find the path someday

I'll pray that you walk this road
With my Redeemer next to you
I'll pray you can see His light
So He can lead you too

But if you don't hear His love
By it being told this way
I'll pray that you will find it
Somehow, someday

Just please remember
If you ever want to chat
Just send me a message
A note, or something like that

And if you just want to cry
I will understand
I can come and cry with you
Be there to hold you hand

'Cause This dirt path is never easy
The walking is always hard
But by my side Christ leads me
My Dad, My King, My Guard

-Ben Ankenmann

I Know a Girl

I know a person
Who’s smart
Who’s nice
Who’s a girl

I know a girl
She’s cute
Has a nice smile
She’s pretty
With long brown hair
She’s a friend

I know a friend
She’s thoughtful
And passionate
She’s kind
Makes me smile
She’s amazing
And I love her

I have a sister

-Ben Ankenmann

Temptation #1

It was a dark night,
And black.
A night were everyone
Looks in.
Windows are mirrors,
No one looks out.

Nothing seems right.
I'm being watched,
By something
I cannot see.
It's tempting me,
I think.
I talk to myself,
Or does it?

On a night like tonight,
I grab my knees.
I curl into a ball
And sit
In the corner.
They cannot be seen,
But I feel their words.
I shiver.

In an empty room,
I cower in the corner.
The lights are on,
It's dark.
The room must be full
I'm pressed
into the corner.

I hear a voice,
a bright voice,
a soft voice,
a hopeful voice.

I must be dreaming.
Darkness presses in.
The light grows
The darkness gets
I shrink.

That voice!
The light brightens
I like that voice,
But I ignore it.

The light flickers,
Darkness crushes
I've never been
so small.
I've lost all hope,
I'm giving up.
All is darkness.

All is voices
Muttering, scheeming,
Hating, killing.
I'm almost dead.
The light is black.
I see nothing,
I hear nothing,
I feel nothing.

I remember,
that voice.
I want to hear it,
one last time.

But the light is out.
I can't see
the switch,
I can't stand.
They squeal with delight.
The sound hurts my ears.
I was weak,
I ignored the light.

-Ben Ankenmann