The Dirt Path
The trees are green and
The grass is brown with
Puddles everywhere when
The rain does come down
The road is of dirt
The path of my life
In front and behind
Are both love and strife
And as i walk forward
And new days begin
The seasons are changing
I'm changing within
Sometimes I walk and
I look to the sky
But I know all along
God's right by my side
He holds up the light
So that I can see
When darkness and evil
Are tempting me
At times I'll look back
But if I look for too long
I'll have to stop walking
Then where will I have gone?
So I keep pressing forward
No matter what comes
I have a destination
My Saviour's kingdom
Sometimes I look forward
But if look up all the time
I'll trip over my feet
Land in mud and grime
So I'll look where I'm going
And Not where I've been
And not over the horizon
And not at my sin
I've given that to Jesus
Who's walking at my side
He'll carry the burdens
That I've been holding inside
And when I leave the path
He'll follow with the light
And tap me on the shoulder
And tell me it's not right
Sometimes I will thank Him
And get back on the path
Sometimes I'll leave Him
To carry me back
Cause every time I'm wrong
When I walk off that trail
Even when I'm running
I'm human, I'm frail
Sometimes we cross bridges
With water far below
I might feel like jumping
But Christ will say "No"
Sometimes the path is rocky
So I can't look up at all
I have to deal with the problem
Before I get back to my goal
But Jehovah's right beside me
Whispering in my ear
That the road will get better
That I wont always be here
Sometimes I get to a wall
I feel like turning around
But my King will lend a hand
And lift me off the ground
He'll place me on the path
On the other side
I'll thank my deliverer
For conquering my pride
Many stories I could tell
Of this road on which I walk
But still you'd have some questions
So why don't we just talk?
He'll help me with the answers
And tell me what to say
And you just keep on asking
I'll pray you find the path someday
I'll pray that you walk this road
With my Redeemer next to you
I'll pray you can see His light
So He can lead you too
But if you don't hear His love
By it being told this way
I'll pray that you will find it
Somehow, someday
Just please remember
If you ever want to chat
Just send me a message
A note, or something like that
And if you just want to cry
I will understand
I can come and cry with you
Be there to hold you hand
'Cause This dirt path is never easy
The walking is always hard
But by my side Christ leads me
My Dad, My King, My Guard
-Ben Ankenmann
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