Thursday, January 17, 2008

Temptation #3

The foe I fight is unearthly strong
(He is coming)
He is the darkest of dark nights
In all he does he fights for wrong
He's a beam of anti light

The 'prince of evil' he's called in hell
(He approaches)
He has two hands of horrid death
Blackened bones of wretched smell
Hands with power to cease breath

The cloak he wears is oft called sin
(He is near)
His eyes shine with blinding darkness
They shine nothing but hate within
The eyes light detests

The door is locked in the same old room
(He enters now)
Because temptation needs not a key
I only think impending doom
Can I ever have victory?

But now time stops, I remember the Light
(He does not move)
It has no being but lives inside
It will trump the darkness tonight
It will the battle decide

Now I pray and the Light begins to emit
(Temptation steps)
The room is filled not a shadow cast
But temptation Light will permit
My battle is not yet past

I must fight and win for Light this victory
(He now attacks)
I stand my ground and raise my shield
A blast of lust, defense becomes debris
My broken arm Light heals

I turn to face by deadly foe once more
(He shoots again)
Pride splits my helmet in two
Despite my will, I stumble to the floor
Light my strength renews

I stand again with valid righteous hate
(He laughs)
And plunge my sword right through his heart
His terrifying anger builds, his eyes are now irate
My body he tears apart

I call the name of my redeeming conqueror
(He trembles)
And a light so bright overpowering came
That true blackness felt pain and horror
Temptation writhed in pain

The light so bright i cannot see stands guard
(He flees)
He puts me together and all my wounds he heals
He cures each and every death-black scar
Through Him my victory's sealed

I thank my Lord and I open the door
(He's gone)
Outside the air is fresh and clean
I dance in the wind, breathe deep once more
For I feel alive in His light, so alive
His light that is living in me.

-Ben Ankenmann


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