Temptation #2
Temptation number two
I can feel you in the room
I feel the darkness surrounding you
And I fear impending doom.
I know I could give up
And not even try to fight
But I also know a tougher man
Would not forget the light.
I know this wont be easy
You'll try to lock the door
But now I know He can release me
And lift me off the floor.
The pressure of your darkness
Forces the only door to close
A feeling of hopelessness
Seeps through my skin and clothes
And even though I know your name
And know the light could win
I don't want to show my shame
To this glowing light within
So I fight on without the light
After the door is locked
And in the dark of evil night
Temptation watches the clock
You knows that it's only time
Between now and when I fall
Without my light the clock will chime
And on my knees I'll crawl.
Without a light I'll try to fight
From my knees I'll grab the door
But the door is already bolted tight
All hope is gone, I'm on the floor.
And Temptation smiles in glee
Another battle won
Another wretched victory
He calls me names like "faithless one".
Now in my shame and hurt I lie
Still hiding from forgiveness
My guilt beside me piled high
From light I want to hide this.
I hate myself, I hate my guilt
But I know that that is wrong
This temptation that I have built
Is now extremely strong.
Around the corner is number three
And I know I'm in his sights
So I'll unlock the door and hide the key
And release the power of light.
And next time when temptation comes
He'll be knocked right off his feet
And the power of God's only Son
Will fight and rescue me.
-Ben Ankenmann
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