Thursday, January 17, 2008

What Are You Listening For?

In the middle of a dark and creepy night
You only hear creaking floorboards
And the haunted wind in the moonlight
The voices of your friends sound muffled
And daze your mind in fright
Your mind plays tricks so late at night
You only hear what you're listening for

And in the morning when you wake
And run down to the kitchen
You forget the frightful sounds you heard of late
You never hear the creaking floor
The cold-fingered wind has escaped
The sun awakes as you eat banana pancakes
For you hear what you're listening for

So take a seat and listen
You know not what you're missing
The sun has set, the stars are out
You probably forget that life never shouts
But in whispers will relate the secrets it creates
And you will hear what you are listening for

If you forget to listen
There is much of life you're missing
If all you do is talk, and never hear
Alone you will walk, with Him so near
For He only talks in whispers, so listen to whispers
And you will hear what you are listening for

But if you know to listen
Then you know Him and are forgiven
You know powerful winds and splitting rocks
You know shaking earth and raging fires
But God is not in those, He is in whispers
And you have heard what you are listening for

-Ben Ankenmann


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